Friday, August 5, 2011

On a Sleeping Baby

What is it about a sleeping baby?

Is it the cute sleepers with the feet?

Or the fact that they can fall asleep anywhere?
(the floor)

(the Baby Bjorn)

(the stroller)

(the swing)

(the car seat)

(the beach)

(a pillow)

(in the arms of someone they love)

Or maybe it is the position in which they sleep...
(all spread out)

(on their belly)

(on their side)

(while playing "air guitar")

(all curled up)

(the same way Mama does)

Or maybe, after a long hard day; or perhaps a difficult nighttime routine; I find it heart melting to watch a baby sleep.
To me, it's perfection.

1 comment:

  1. These are all great! I love the one in the swing and most of all "the same way mama does"!
