Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Colleen's First Day of Daycare

Last week Colleen started daycare.

Of course, she went in with a bang: pooping on the ride over which then leaked onto her first day of school outfit.

We stayed with Colleen for about an hour or so.  We were able to meet the other babies that Colleen hangs out with along with many of their parents.  She really enjoys the other babies.  Well, except when they cry.

Each baby has their own crib.  The baby in the crib next to Colleen's is only a few weeks younger.  The first day, the ladies said that Colleen and this little girl were smiling to each other through the clear sides of the crib.  I like to think that they are going to become good friends.

It was hard to leave her the first day.  However, knowing that she was only going to be there for a couple of hours made it a little easier.

Now, since school has officially started, she has been there for full days and it is getting a little harder.  I find it difficult when we go to pick her up in the afternoon to think of all the time she spent without us. I often stop and think about her during the school day and wonder what she is thinking or doing right at that moment.  And I'm sad when they tell me stories about how much she loved being outside or playing in the water and how I missed being a part of it.  (Although I still want them to tell me about it!)  

But my worries seem to melt away when Tom and I walk into her room to pick her up and she see us.  And smiles.  And laughs.  I know she is happy.  And picking her up is the best part of my day.


  1. 365 - 185 (plus a few more) = 180 days when she is 100% with you! Hope thinking of it this way helps a little. Of course, this also doesn't count the days when I make the trip to play with Colleen all day while you are teaching. Sending you hugs.

  2. I loved your last line. And you know, while you worry about not being with her during the day I worry about Sophie not getting enough social interaction ... :) And like mom said, as a teacher, you have such an ideal schedule! All summer with her. Just keep remembering that. Love and miss you all!!!
