Saturday, November 13, 2010

On Home Improvements

Since Veteran's Day, Tom and I have been busy trying to make some improvements to our house.
Tom installed two ceiling fans-one in the office and the other in the soon-to-be nursery.

Tom built a shelving unit and coat rod in the new closet in the basement.

Tom also hung up this coat rack in the hallway...which is much better than using the kitchen chairs as a coat rack!

We had a freezer delivered and put in our garage.  (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

You'll notice that Tom did a lot of the work here...I was the assistant.  However, we also cleaned the house, including organizing/cleaning out the fridge; grocery shopped; and bought a new kitchen table (Thanks Andrea and George!)


  1. Can we hire the two of you? We have a few pending projects around here...


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