Sunday, October 31, 2010

On What We Learned for Next Year's Halloween

This is the first year that we've been in this house for Halloween.  Bellow are some of the things we've learned for next year.  Maybe you'll find some of this information useful.

1.  It is hard to find carving pumpkins on Halloween Day.  Buy your pumpkins BEFORE the big day.

2.  Boil and simmer the pumpkin seeds in salty water before roasting them in the oven.  Every year I've tried to make pumpkin seeds they don't turn out good...but this batch worked!

3.  Rice Krispy treats, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin cookies, and hot chocolate do not make a good dinner on Halloween night.  (Tom disagrees with me here)

4.  Start putting aside money in the summer to buy enough candy for Halloween.  We handed out over 200 pieces of candy and still ran out before 8:00.  You know you are going to have a lot of trick-or-treaters when your neighbors come by at 6:00 and ask if you're ready for this.  And it's hard, once all the candy was gone and you were rushing inside to turn your light off, to have to look at a group of trick-or-treaters and tell them you are sorry because you just ran out of candy.  Their response?  "OH MY GOSH!"

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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