Thursday, July 14, 2011

On a Year Ago Today

A year ago today, on July 14, 2010, Tom and I found out we were pregnant.

What I remember most about that day was waiting.  Waiting to take the pregnancy test.  Waiting for the results.  And waiting to call parents and friends.  (Little did I know I would wait an extra eight days after my due date to go into labor!)

I also remember how quickly my mindset changed.  All of a sudden, I stopped worrying about myself and started to pay more attention to all the things that would or could affect our baby.  I started to pay more attention to what I ate, what medicine I took, and even how I drove my car.  My life, a year ago today, started to rotate around someone I hadn't even met.

My life is so different now. But just as I was a year ago today, I'm still waiting.  Waiting to watch her roll over from her front to her back.  Waiting to see what color eyes she will have.  Waiting until she loses the hair off her tiny little ears.  So many things to look forward to.

I can't believe how much I love her.  It's been a great year.

1 comment:

  1. July 14 will also be a special day. Wonderfully written!
